Judy Oliver

Judy looks after all our bookkeeping and employee benefit requirements
  • Name:Judy Oliver
  • Role:Bookkeeper
  • Diploma:Certificate IV in Bookkeeping
Judy joined us in 2012 and we have treasured every moment. She is hardworking, relaxed, and always has a joyful approach to life.

Judy Oliver joined Stream Art Design in 2012.

Judy studied a Bachelor of Commerce (part completed) at the University of Tasmania, and completed a Certificate IV in Bookkeeping in 2012 at TasTAFE.

In her spare time, Judy enjoys entertaining friends and spending time with her family.

A loving family
and special friends are everything to me
Judy Oliver


I love my family

I am so proud of my two sons – my greatest achievement is knowing that I have raised such caring and wonderful young men.


I love my friends

I am blessed with beautiful friends and love entertaining and socialising with them over good food and great wine.


I love my grandchildren

My grandchildren bring so much joy to my life – I love every special moment I get to spend with them.


I love my job

I am invested in the success of each business I work with and pride myself on my attention to detail.

If you want…
an accounting of worth, count your friends.
Mary Browne
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