Rachel Ehrat

Rachel brings over fifteen years in experience, having worked and travelled all over the world
  • Name:Rachel Ehrat
  • Role:Senior Designer
  • Diploma:Advanced Diploma of Design
Rachel has worked as a graphic designer in Toronto/Canada, Melbourne, Darwin and Tasmania.

Rachel joined the Stream Art Design team in 2012.

She has worked with a wide range of clients from the government and private sector.

Rachel brings her hardworking approach, along with her interest in fine art, and offers her wonderful illustrative and photographic skills to our clients.

She has an interest in health and sustainable living, and loves the beautiful Tasmanian beaches and wilderness.

Mother Nature is my muse…
Her inspiration is everywhere and her attention to detail is mind blowing.
Rachel Ehrat


AchievementsRACHEL EHRAT
  • Senior Graphic Designer at Stream Art Design since 2012
  • Advanced Diploma Of Graphic Design (Charles Darwin University) 2004
  • Certificate III Printing and Graphic Arts – Graphic Prepress (Finsbury Press, SA). Graduation ranking 2nd in state.
  • Enrichment courses – Life Drawing, Portraiture, Children’s Book Illustration, Mixed Media, Still Life Drawing, Photography, Copy Writing Essentials, Introduction and Advanced Multimedia


I love learning new things

So much to know, so little time.


I love the beach

There is nothing I love more than a walk on our pristine Tasmanian beaches.


I love peace and quiet

A space to contemplate. A time to find solutions. An opportunity to recharge.


I love coffee

The morning is just not the same without a hot brew to warm up my hands and my mind.

There are three responses to a piece of design…
yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.
Milton Glaser
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