Meercroft Care Inc

Meercroft Care Inc is an aged care provider offering independent living, residential care, specialised memory support and respite care to eligible seniors.

  • Website Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Videography
We care for our Community

Meercroft Care’s existing website was in need of an overhaul and design refresh. The Stream Team custom-designed a new responsive website which showcases current photography, customer information, client testimonials, useful links and staff information.

As part of the website upgrade, Stream Art Design project managed and art directed a photo and video shoot as current imagery was quite lacking. This was rewarding and challenging to put together, with many people involved and sessions took place over many days and special occasions. Thank you to our clients, our extended team, and to the staff and residents of Meercroft and their families, who made this possible.

The website was built in WordPress and is very easy to navigate, a requirement from the client, as the target audience are elderly. Legible and large font size was used to assist older readers. Bright colours and good contrast was also a consideration for accessibility for the user.

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  • ClientMeercroft Care Inc
  • IndustryHealth / Aged Care
  • ServicesWebsite Design / Photography/Videography

To create a responsive website that clients can easily navigate and find current information.

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